That Perfect Find
Who doesn’t love that euphoric sense of pleasure at finding just what you’re looking for at a fabulous price? The combination of a beautiful new piece and feeling like you got a super bargain is hard to beat. Confess ladies, we love revisiting that price tag with the original price and the markdown price. Shopping sales is a fantastic way to introduce higher quality items, like cashmere, into your wardrobe without breaking the bank.
But, just buying something at a great price is anything but a bargain if you end up never wearing it! lookingGLASS stylists often say most of the items they end up removing from clients’ closets still have the tags on them! Why? Because they saw something on sale and thought it was such a good deal that they just had to buy it. No shade, here. We’ve all done it. We’ve all been the victims of our inner impulse buying imp. But victim no more! In this blog post, we’ll share a few tips and tricks that will transform you into one of those savvy sales shoppers who gets great bargains, buys what they need and wears what they buy.
Shopping Sales Intentionally
Shopping intentionally can go a long way to saving you time and money when you guy clothes. You’ll get just the right items that you will enjoy wearing and that will expand your options in putting together outfits when combined with pieces you already in your closet. Before you even walk out the door or get ready to shop online with only a vague idea of what you need to add to your wardrobe to freshen it up or replace a piece that you no longer want to keep, know in advance what you’re looking to buy. Besides saving time and money, planning in advance helps cut down on impulse buying. Buying something on impulse or a sudden whim—often whether you need it or not and whether you are really likely to wear it or not—too often results not only in money wasted but in a closet that is cluttered with things you don’t even wear.
But let’s be real, an occasional impulse buy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We all do it. As a matter of fact, it can be fun. The trick is recognizing an impulse buy for what it is before you whip out that credit card in the checkout line or hit the checkout now button for your online shopping. The simple process of awareness can make a huge difference in the money and time you save when you shop and your overall satisfaction with your wardrobe. It only takes a second to ask yourself whether you’re buying an item because you need it to fill a gap in your wardrobe or buying to fulfill an emotional need. Either is okay when the decision is a considered one that you will be happy with a month from now.
Are you vulnerable to that sneaky impulse purchase?
So, what are some clues that you might be a little too prone to impulse buying? For one, do you find yourself bemoaning having “nothing to wear,” when your closet is jam-packed with clothes? Do you buy items and then forget about them? Are there clothes hanging in your closet that still have the tags on them? The next time your inner impulse imp starts trying to convince you why it really makes sense for you to buy an item—who cares if it’s on your list or not, who cares if you already have three similar ones, who cares if it doesn’t quite fit, take just a second and think about that last shopping trip with your kids in tow. Mom, can I have this? Mom, I really want this. Mom, I really, really want this, pleeeeeeeeze. Yeah, you get the picture. You’ve got this. You’ve got a plan.